The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Friday, April 1, 2011

Question #1

What did you think of Louise's decision at the beginning - first chapter. What would you have done??

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Christmas Jars - Let's Begin

I guess it wasn't a suprise to anyone that I would start my choices for the book club with a LOVED Christmas book. I love this story so much. I hope that you all enjoy the read. It is one that almost begs you to start a tradition of your own. I think you will find that it is a quick read for two reasons:
1 - it is short and the writing style is not one of those "stop and think as you read" styles
2 - it is such a sweet story and makes you want to keep reading
Enjoy it!! I will try to have periodic questions up for you to comment on. Please try to add your comments. That is one thing that I really loved about the first book - everyone's thoughts and opinions about what we were reading. It made me wish we were all sitting in mom and dad's house talking about the book.
Anyway, happy reading!!