The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Hunger Games

It has been a while since we put anything up.  So, for the Hunger Games book, just leave a post about your general feelings on the book.  You can include characters, plot, flow of the story, etc.  Anything that you want to vocalize, do it.
So, basically, the question is:
What are your general (or specific) feelings about the book?


  1. I LOVED it! I was hesitant to read it, but I LOVED it and already borrowed the next book. Thanks for a great pick.

    I won't be going to the movie however, too many people have reported and I am not interested in the gore, but of course so curious. So you'll have to let me know what you thought of the movie if you saw it.

    Great book!

  2. I really enjoyed the book too. I liked the idea of standing up for what you believe in, being yourself (or at least staying as true to yourself as you can be), I loved the sacrifice for her sister and her family, I loved the friendships and relationships.

    It really kept me interested the whole time and I really enjoyed the other books too. I went to the movie and I actually liked it too. It was nice to see what they did with it. Thanks for the pick Lisa!
