The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Friday, May 13, 2011

Question #4

What do you do to find the daily peace that the farm seemed to bring to others?


  1. I read.
    I play the piano.
    I pray.
    I study scriptures.
    I try to find a quiet place to just sit and think.

    To me, the biggest challenge is in just finding and taking the time to be alone for awhile.You girls with your busy families must find that very difficult to do every day. Now that it is just dad and I at home, I seem to have more time for thought and reflection, and those times have become very precious to me. Being alone with yourself can bring some pretty amazing insights. It's probably too bad we don't find our alone time more often.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I go to the temple, pray, read scriptures, and something that has been valuable to me is the pause button.

    I have started to pay more attention to when I am flustered, angry, or just when the spirit starts to go away. I push my emotional pause button and ask myself as many questions as I can think of... Why do I feel like this? Why right now? What are my choices? What would a "holy woman" do right now?

    I love order and peace. I strive for it each day. It also helps to have a wonderful husband!

  4. Daily peace? What's that???

    That may look like I was trying to be funny, but it is something that I really struggle with often. It is a hard one. I think we have to remember that we can have peace without having silence.
    I am lucky in that I have a wonderful husband that facilitates times of peace for me. I love to play the piano, go run, take a bath, craft, etc.

  5. I have to admit I am with Lisa. I honestly don't remember the last time I felt peace for more than an hour or so. (referring to silence). Oddly enough, I find a lot of peace when I go to classes for Owen and something just clicks and I feel like I have the umph to step up and be a better mom and that it's doable.

    Other times I feel peace are when it's just me and Will and we just play and laugh and smile. Without kids (which feels rare) comes when I read the ensign, my scriptures or a good book. :)

  6. That is a good question Bethany, from a true white personality: Where do you find peace?

    I love what Lisa said, "We can have peace without having silence." It's crazy to look at each of our different life situations and I think... "I don't know if I could handle 'her' situation", or "I would never do as good if I were in 'her' situation", or "How does she do that, I know I couldn't". I know you all say that about me and my awesomeness!

    It's just interesting that God gives us, individually, what we need in the time we need it. I guess the trick is finding the peace in it all along the way. I would like to revisit this question in the future - not sure I have an answer just yet. *Although, daily peace does NOT come from Tom & Jerry. I have learned that much so far!
