The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mom's Question #1

Please post your reply to the question in "comments"

"Something big happens in the first two chapters...
My question is, what would you do if it happened to you?"


  1. I'm not sure what I would do if it happened to me because I don't have the book yet - going to the library today. If what happens is someone winning the lottery well, I'd be out of debt and be finding some cute maternity clothes to help me feel cuter. Just wanted to be the first comment on the blog. FUN!

  2. I am sure it was the law or custom of the time that marriage was a necessity if you were living with someone without lawfully being married. I WOULD SURELY VERIFY THAT!

    I know what I would want to do-curl up and not deal with anything, but I am certain that I would believe the Lord would be there to help me through and provide the strength to do what needed to be done.

    Perhaps that's what happened. She felt comfort in the proposed plan? As odd and horribly as it was, she could've felt peace as she thought and pleaded for help.

  3. I knew the question mom had posted prior to reading the first two chapters this morning. So, as I read, I thought about what I would do in Marty's shoes.
    I decided I just didn't know. I think my personality is to be convinced that I could repair that wagon wheel, make the rest of the journey, deliver a baby on trek, and build the house when I got there. So, I think I would be so overcome with grief and sadness that there is probably no way I would have been rational enough (and humble enough) to actually come to the realization that doing what she did in marrying would be best for me and my child in the long run.
    What a sad way to start a story - although very intriquing and has you hooked after the first chapter.
    Can't wait to keep reading...

  4. Also, I think what happened and what she decided to do would be especially hard without any real personal belief in God.

  5. This is fun to see people's personalities come out in their answers! So here's mine: I am almost certain I wouldn't have agreed to a marriage of convenience. I believe too much in the idea of love and it's purpose in my life. I probably would have tried to search for a neighbor or person who was willing to take me in until I could figure things out & find a way to go back out on my own. I guess I think I am too stubborn to "settle" in these circumstances, even if survival is at hand.

  6. Well, now that I know noone wins any lottery (dang it) I just think of myself being pregnant now and faced with those decisions. Really, she didn't seem to have much of a choice. I think I would be glad for the chance to have a place to go and a purpose of taking care of the little girl. As far as the marriage goes, I don't know if I could do that. In her situation it makes sense but knowing myself I at least would want to decide to get married after knowing the guy first. I think I'd look into a way to get home or maybe a place to stay until I could. And it never says if Clark knows she is pregnant or not - does he? That'll be a good surprise later if he doesn't.

    The comments are fun to read - of course Lisa would have the wheel fixed and be half way done building her house by the end of the 2nd chapter. And don't you worry she'd be delivering her own baby too! Stronger than me. :)

  7. Diana - I don't think he knows yet. In one of the upcoming chapters a neighbor that comes to visit asks her if she is expecting. So, I don't think she is very far along and not really showing much yet.

    Thanks for the vote of confidence (I am taking that last paragraph of yours as a compliment, not you making complete fun of me). :) - I would build you a house too if you wanted one! ;)

  8. Just so everyone knows, I am not a slacker! I posted quite awhile ago, but my computer didn't like it or something because it isn't there. Anyway...

    I honestly think that it would be so difficult to marry someone I didn't know, but with the time they lived in and the circumstances she was in and with the way that Clark approached it I think I could deal with that. It would be difficult, but I think that it would be the best think to be protected and provided for especially with a baby on the way.

    If there was any other option I would take it, but with the circumstances as they were I think I would have done the same.

  9. Just want you to know I'm really not a slacker either. I've tried to post comments a couple of times, but it just wouldn't show up. Hopefully now I know how to do it right (thanks Lisa).

    I was thinking that the hard thing for me in Marty's situation would be not knowing how this new man would treat me. Would he be kind or would he be a brawler, a drinker, an abuser, etc. Would he have a temper and lash out at me? That could turn into a terrible situation in a hurry. It would take a lot of faith in someone to trust them that much and that soon. I wouldn't mind helping him out with his daughter, but I would rather have lived on my own in the chicken shed or in the barn or in the root cellar. However, knowing how important it would be to have some kind of shelter, food, and protection, and knowing I couldn't provide that on my own, I would at least have considered the solution Clark offered pretty seriously.

  10. Abby's response....

    I would probably do it...probably.
    I would do it because I would feel bad for Missie and I would know I would need Clark and a better place to live.

  11. We are pretty lucky to live now instead of back in those times. That would have been a hard decision. Abby, I think it's great that you would sacrifice for Missie even if it was hard on you. You're a good girl!
