The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Goose Girl #3

At first Ani believes the handkerchief her mother gives her is protecting her. Have you ever held onto an item hoping it brought you luck or protected you?


  1. Yeah - I thought that the handkerchief would come back into the story somewhere/somehow. But, it didn't.
    I can't think of anything that I hold onto like that. However, I am superstitious sometimes.

  2. I was actually glad when the handkerchief was gone, because then she could prove to herself that she was brave and strong on her own.

    I don't hold on to anything like that either.

  3. I hold on to a few things for memory's sake, but nothing just for good luck. I guess I believe you have to make your own good luck. Instead of good luck charms, I believe it is our choices that matter most in our lives. We ultimately have to depend on ourselves to make the right choices in life.

  4. I for sure thought the handkerchief was going to be something more in the storyline, but I was wrong too. I liked its symbolism of Ani's mother though - it fit her convenient, showy love for her and was fitting that it was gone and not talked about much again just like Ani's mother.

    I keep my old sports stuff still for luck. I use my old high school/college softball glove still and I wear my old college volleyball shoes to play volleyball with still. I just can't part with them because they make me feel familiar and I suppose I think they bring good luck.
