The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Goose Girl #4

What do you think Ani's mother, brother, and sisters would say if they learned how she saved their kingdom from annihilation? Do you think they would regret how they treated her? What would Ani's aunt say? Whose approval do you think would be most important to her?


  1. I think that they would all be very proud of her and the courage she had. I think her aunt would be proud that what she taught her what put to good use and that she was remembered that way and I think that her mother would really be impressed as well. But I definitely think that her aunt's approval would be most important to her, because she was closest to her.

  2. I think Ani's family would have to swallow their pride and "eat crow" when they found out what Ani did for them. They would be surprised and amazed at what she accomplished. I think they would be grateful, but I think her aunt would be the most happy and proud of what Ani had done. The special belief in each other and the special connection they had with each other would be important to both Ani and her aunt.

  3. I don't think they would really care. I think self-serving people are too caught up in their own part of the story to be affected by what others do.

    It would be interesting to have heard from Ani's aunt. She was kind of her own mentor/voice from the beginning. I think we all have those types of people in our lives from growing up, in some way. Funny how most times we never hear from them again, though.
