The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Goose Girl #7

Sometimes we look at the glamorous life and think it looks so appealing (like Selia being a queen, having money, being popular, beautiful, etc). It can be easy to forget how wonderful a simple life can be (like Ani being a goose girl). What have you learned about this challenge in your life? The challenge to be happy with where you are instead of thinking about how the grass is greener.


  1. This is something that I think I am still learning. It is hard to look at others or other things and not want some of what you see for yourself. However, I really believe that we never really see it all. There is so much more to a life or to a situation than what we see. I think that we would all probably think twice if we were able to see the whole picture.
    Also, I think that I have learned (and am still learning) how important it is not to concern ourselves with what other people think of us. We need to be content and satisfied with what we are doing and who we are and not worry about what others think. It is hard to do, but I really think it is vital to being truly happy.

  2. I think everyone has something they want that is better or more appealing, but I think that can be a good thing sometimes, because it makes us work harder and strive to be better. I feel that way a lot of the time.

    However, sometimes I want things that aren't important or that don't matter and I think that is when we lose our focus. I've learned, for example, sometimes I feel plain and think I need to be wearing more fashionable clothes, or do my hair cuter, or something like that...but when I take a lot of time to get ready and look good, Zac doesn't really notice a difference. At first it used to bother me until I realized that he just sees me and it doesn't matter if I'm fashionable or do my hair cute. It reminds me to just be happy with who I am.

  3. I think it takes a lifetime to learn to be truly happy with yourself. There are always so many things I would like to change about myself. I have to really think deeply about the true purpose of life to remember that it is what is on the inside, who we really are, that is important. Jenny, I think you have learned a valuable lesson from Zac. I wish I could always judge people and myself from the inside instead of from the outside. It makes a lot more sense, and it is really who we are anyway. Great question, Diana. Great responses Lisa and Jenny. Thanks.

  4. I am so often attracted to the simplicities of life and also people who feel the same. There is so much to learn from having little and doing little and saying little. I wish there were more of that in life.

    I think its easy to get caught up in wanting "good" things for yourself or your family. But going without and just getting by and utilizing what you already have, often brings you closest to others and to yourself or who you want to be.

    p.s. Jenny, I really liked your comment about how Zac sees you. I can relate to that with Matt as well. Sometimes I wish we could see ourselves as others do.
